5 Best Sites for Learning HTML & CSS For Beginner

HTML is essentially a web element / structure, and CSS is a "decorator" as well as a layout compiler until a web page has a unique and beautiful interface. If you are a beginner blogger, whether in the context of just building a blog, or for those of you who start to worry with various codes that have not been understood when it comes to dealing with template tweaks, it's time you start to realize that coding is a necessary condition that you mastered in order to be able to tamper with blog design as desired; at least you must understand what is the basic HTML and CSS and how both work in shaping the look of a web page.

Although you should struggle to understand HTML and CSS and feel alien when it comes to touching both, the more you learn and practice the easier it is to read, understand and apply the basics of HTML and CSS well. It's all a matter of "it can be because of the ordinary." The more you get used to, the easier and faster the learning process. You can say, understanding HTML and CSS is the most basic requirement that must be fulfilled by a Blogger, if he wants the blogging process to grow and succeed. Setting aside these basic things and even surrender means that the blogger will not develop.

There are various coding tutorials, from basic to advanced, from simple HTML and CSS to XML, PHP, ASP, and even to how to design APIs. All available free and scattered on earth, eh means on the web. So, there's no reason to say it's hard because there's no learning tool. The only reason why the word "hard" arises is because of laziness, nothing else.

Here are some websites of my choice, which I also use as a source of learning as well as test the code. The tutorials are well-crafted, from basic to advanced, even most have interactive interfaces where you can directly practice and test the code without having to use any learning software. Our focus this time is HTML and CSS for beginners, but did not rule out any other tutorials, such as HTML5, Javascript, PHP, ASP, ASPX, PERL, etc., for those of you who are so familiar with HTML and CSS and want to develop others . It's all written in English, but I think it's pretty easy to follow and understand.

1. W3 SCHOOLS (w3schools.com)

Who has not heard of this site? It is arguably the largest site with the most detailed information, explanations, and tutorials on matters related to web design and development. In terms of HTML and CSS, of course this is one resource that can be relied upon. Not to mention the various interactive interfaces (Try it Yourself Editor) that we can use for practice from the most basic level to advanced. There are also various javascript information and tutorials, HTML 5, server-related programming languages ​​(PHP, SQL, ASP, etc.), ASP.NET, XML, etc.

2. Code Academy (www.codeacademy.com)

This is the site I visit most often, especially in learning and brainstorming about web development (especially PHP, API, and Ruby). What I like best is its interactive features where you can learn and practice at different levels of HTML and CSS learners with clear, structured, and easy-to-follow tutorials. If you want to directly see how the basic learning, go directly to the navigation in the footer, and click HTML / CSS. You can also start learning by admiring how the codes work by filling out the interactive columns on the front page. For web developers and admirers of coding, this is heaven for you!

3. HTML.net

If you prefer "telling" to understand and digest HTML and CSS material, as well as to understand the essence of web pages and its various elements and tags, then this site can be the right source. Plus, you can use Google Translate easily if you have trouble understanding English language. All content has a clear structure and systematic, from A to Z, so it's enough to help gradually grasp the process. There are also various other tutorials such as HTML5, PHP, ASP, and Javascript.

4. HTML Dog (www.htmldog.com)

Still similar to the above website model, this site also provides various HTML and CSS tutorials. What's different is that content is shared by element type / tag (heading, title, list, link, table, form, etc.), so you can get to certain parts directly. There is also a basic javascript tutorial where you can also get acquainted with javascript language.

5. CSS Easy (www.csseasy.com)

Maybe for those of you who first enter this website will be confused and underestimated. Yes, this site only talks about how CSS is used to construct basic layouts. But make no mistake, by understanding how the basic layout of a web page, then you've entered the initial gateway of blog / web template design, and understand how CSS is used as a layout compiler. There are two types of layouts that are varied to be studied, the first being fixed layouts and the second being the fluid layout (which can then be used to compile the base of the responsive template as well). The way to learn is quite unique, click one of the layout example, then right click and select "open page source" or "view source" to see the CSS codes in it. Save the page to be tampered with as you wish.

That's it and have a nice learning!

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