Maximize Keyword In Post Blog / Website

Keyword is one SEO optimization effort that is very important because for search engines keyword is an aspect that shows the relevance of the content. Without keywords, search engines will become "blind" because there is no reference to judge blog content. Actually it is certain every blog content has keywords, but whether search engines can see it well? Does the keyword represent content? Does the keyword match the content? Undeniable is the existence of the title of the content because he is the head (tiltle) which shows / describes the next content. In addition, the URL also has an important role as "resource / key" which reinforces the description of the content by the title. Therefore, maximizing / optimizing keywords in URLs is worth noting.

Blog / Website URL has its limitations. The details are as follows:
1. The URL is formed according to the post title when it was first written.
2. Words in the URL are limited to 4 to 6 or 7 words, depending on the length of each word.
3. Blog URLs on the Blogger platform can not be customized / re-edited.

With these limitations, it is very likely that the words on the back, according to the title of the post, are cut off in the middle. Changing the URL is highly unlikely except by creating a new post again. Unlike WordPress, post URLs can be created & modified when posting and do not have URL length limits.

To be more clear who I mean, following example URL is not optimal keyword :

Visually the above URL is incomplete, because if it is read, with the human eye, the title in the above URL is not descriptive. Likewise with search engines, there are missing keywords that should be very important to strengthen keywords & relevance to the content. Though the desired course URL has the appropriate keyword title:
"Improve And Increase SEO For Google Search Engine"

URLs are formed with non-descriptive results as they have reached the URL limit / length limit.

While the example URL I intentionally optimize for the keyword is follows:
We see the url is rich in keywords and important points, although if you read there are some missed words that missed. However, for the human eye these words are still descriptive, especially for search engines, the URL is rich in important keywords. The full post title is:
"Step By Step Make Sitemap For Optimize Search Engine"

There are many word ornaments and connecting words that differ with the words in the URL so that for the human eye and search engines additional words in the post then create continuity of description and keyword. Thus, there are two mutually supportive parts, post titles and post URLs.

Well how to maximize keywords in blog post URL berplatform Blogger?

The trick is very simple, just follow the steps below:
1. When posting, fill in the title box at the top of the post editor with words containing important keywords. Avoid using unnecessary liaison words. Why? because it can break the URL that formed if the URL has reached the limit. Like the example above, I do not use 10 words, create, and design. Connected words using symbols like "&" or sentence like "?" will be ignored by the Blogger generator URL and are considered non-existent.
2. After posting and publishing, edit the post again.
3. Change the title of the post to be more descriptive and interesting.
4. Publish / update the post again.

That way, the blog URL can help optimize the keywords to achieve a good ranking, at least in the SERP.

Is that enough for its purpose?
No. I will open a little secret another, well since this open the secret blogspot. Ha ha. The trivial thing does not mean it only has trivial benefits. So, do not underestimate the Blogger platform, worshipers of WordPress! (peace!). In the same way as above, we can maximize two different important keywords in the post title as well as in the post URL. Posts have a stronger chance of covering 2 different keywords when a user searches on search engines. Examples of different keyword usage on URLs & post titles:

While the title of the post is:
Make Site Map For Optimize Search Engine

Without having to explain in more detail, you can know the differences between URL & post title above.

The most important in this simple SEO tips is how to concoct & use important keywords in the blog URL and then make a more interesting post title after the post URL is formed. So, of course, this effort is related to the creativity of friends in "assemble" the words and create blog posts. The solution? Practice, practice, and practice !!

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