Why Feedjit Traffic Widgets Hurt Blogs and Visitors ?

Feedjit is a traffic widget that displays live visitor data (live) in the form of feeds. Although not in realtime, but when a web page / blog opened by visitors, then the data displayed is the last information (refreshed). If a website / blog has a high enough traffic, then the refresh frequency will be higher too, with fairly complete data. This is what makes a lot of bloggers frown. In addition to practical use, this widget can be used to show the performance of blog traffic, well like some widgets from other platforms. The difference, this widget displays a much more complete information, directly to the public, without having to go through the process though. Although most use the free version, and do not display IP, but this widget is still quite complete data.

When Visiting Feedjit Widget User's Blog, I ...

I'm very sure all of you have inadvertently come to a blog that uses Feedjit. Attention will be directly focused on this one special widget. I did too. The first one I see is a list or a list of visitors, and find my traffic statistics are in the order up, well ... sort of "0 Seconds ago, a visitor from Jakarta viewed" Title Blog Pages "and so on ...". Moreover, there is keyword search engine data that I previously used to go to the blog. Hmmm ... The owner of his blog will be happy, or feel loss?

Feedjit Effects and Similar Traffic Widget for Visitor Privacy

1. For general visitors.

As a web page owner in the internet world, I and you must be aware and maintain visitor's privacy. Avoiding the possibility of logs and cookies (on web membership or storing visitor data as next visit data) is not possible because all web owners need and use statistics tracker to store, know, and analyze visit data. This is a consequence of a web visitor who has been enthralled. But if it should display the data traffic in public, this is the problem. Users are entitled to privacy and web owner privacy, and this is also an implied (as well as expressed, usually privacy policy) rule that is commonly understood and accepted by many.

While feedjit displays too many things in public, not just the number of online visitors or visits, but also time, origin / referral visits, cities, as well as pages that are opened. I personally feel uncomfortable with this look. Although I know that every visit must be "spied upon" by the web owner / blog, but if the "spying" result is then publicly displayed, I feel like "stripped naked". And, of course, this is also experienced by many web visitors / blogs. In a small case study, I see visitor traffic is too fluctuating (high bounce rate); visitors who see their visits data displayed on the web pages they visit tend to quickly run / close the web page.

Some feedjit widgets, though not "bleak" feedjit, which allows visitors to be able to open traffic statistics freely actually make it uncomfortable too. When he opens a link on the blog stats widget installed, he will see his personal statistics there.

2. For user / member Feedjit

Did you know that if you are a user of Feedjit widget, both free, advanced, and pro versions, then you are willing to give the authority for Feedjit to display your data? Every member who visits a web page / blog that uses Feedjit will be displayed with complete data according to the membership information you save.

Like the data on the side, your data as a member feedjit will be displayed anywhere. Feedjit argue, this way you will be better known by the owner of the web / blog and can make friends. For blogs, this will expand the popularity and business viralitas. Is that right? No, visitors will feel much more uncomfortable! I think there are still many more polite ways to create friendships and make business more viral without sacrificing visitor privacy!

Of course there will be a quibble: use anonymous proxy, clear cookies, delete personal data from feedjit, change city data in feedjit, and so on. So aja bother ?! But, whether all visitors understand, introspective, and want to be bothered in such a way? I do not think so. After all, cookies are temporary. Next time you visit, new personal data will be read and stored again.

Feedjit Widget Effect For Website or Blog

1. Feedjit displays complete information of a blog visit

Because the data is so complete, the bad effect of this widget is much more than the positive effect. The most vital is the appearance of search keywords used by visitors. Keywords that have high competition complete with the destination page information will be a soft material for your web / blog competitors to optimize the web / blog. Do not be surprised if in some time later visitors who come from these keywords will be reduced, either from your page dicopas and then optimized, or with existing pages and optimized according to keywords.

One more. Can the statistics of a website be viewed by anyone without having to go to the website? Yes, can! By typing live.feedjit.com/live/urlhomepage/0/ in your browser's address bar you can instantly peek at other website / blog traffic stats! Conversely, if you use the feedjit widget, be prepared also to spy on others directly through feedjit, freely, without having to go to your blog page.

2. Feedjit displays ads

I think the majority of user feedjit is a free account member. That is, the use of widgets is not burdened with any cost. Unfortunately, some do not really understand that this account is not free. Feedjit widget on free acccount followed by advertisement at the bottom. Here's what you have to pay: free advertising! For me, there is no reason whatsoever for me to maintain this widget. I do not want any concept of "advertising" to exist on the widget on my blog, whereas I do not get any rewards unless the actual widget function is also harmful. I also do not want to lose visitors by sending them to advertiser websites without any compensation. Ads are ads, different from references. Reference is what is known and recommended to visit.

3. Obsessive attainment of excessive traffic

Actually this case not only happens to the user Feedjit, but also the widget users who display other traffic statistics, but the feedjit can be worse. Attempts to refresh the data will increase because of the great curiosity in the development of traffic every second. In a way, people who are obsessed with the outrageous traffic are traffic maniacs. The content of the activity is just knowing traffic, traffic, and traffic. Blog traffic is important, but understanding traffic statistics does not have to be per second! Instead, understand the traffic statistics should be in quantity per week, per month, well or as fast as a day, if not can hold. That's enough to do the analysis. Per day, even hourly or per second will not provide valid analysis.

4. Limitations of log traffic

Feedjit is the only free traffic statistics service that has a fairly short and short log. Imagine, if you only have enough traffic, can you do the analysis? Not at all! The only feedjit account that displays unlimited information, and can with hidden tracker, is pro membership, 9.95 dollars per month, coy. I choose "say no to feedjit"! There are other tracker services that are not paid, a bit of limitation, but with features that wah and there is hidden tracker it. Call it among them are Histats, StatCounter, Google Analytics, SiteMeter, and others. Even statcounter and sitemeter there are reports of weekly traffic stats summary via email.


I used to talk about the dangers of displaying traffic statistics on blog widgets. In addition, if you look at web-sites or blogs that are already reliable and well known, you will not see a traffic widget like feedjit, or at least they will only show online users only, without access to more complete statistics. Visitor privacy is a very important thing, just like their convenience when browsing, and when enjoying the content. Statistics access is the domain of the web / blog owner, and other allowable access is the advertiser, or the parties who really need it. Maybe you've seen feedjit reviews on techblog class like TechCrunch (owned by AOL), do not believe it. Obviously it is a paid review. I'm sure TechCrunh itself does not use Feedjit.


The essence of the above discourse comes from visitor privacy and the effect of a service function, either from web / blog or from external (third party, such as widgets). Sometimes we get too excited, forget, and try to get things done, but do not realize that some of them are harmful; both for visitors and for web / blog.

Have a nice blogging, as always .... :)

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