Create a Pure CSS Stacks of Paper

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The script to make it :

.Webmaster Development {
    margin: 50px auto;
    background: #fff;
    width: 300px;
    height: 400px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    position: relative;
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #ccc,
                0 4px 0 -2px #fff,
                0 4px 0 -1px #ccc,
                0 8px 0 -4px #fff,
                0 8px 0 -3px #ccc;

h1, h2 {

    font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial;
    color: #666;
    text-align: center;
    padding: 100px 30px 0;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 30px;

h1 span {

    color: #f48979;
    font-size: 60px;
    line-height: 120px;

h2 {

    font-size: 14px;
    color: #999;
    font-weight: 100;

The result can look like the picture above ..

Create a Pure CSS Notepaper

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Now we will try to load the page with css for notepaper, here is the script :
.notepad {
    background: #f6f6f6;
    box-shadow: 0 1px 4px hsla(0,0%,0%,.25);
    margin: 50px auto;
    position: relative;
    width: 492px;
    background-image: radial-gradient(#e6e6e6 21%, transparent 21%),
                      radial-gradient(#e6e6e6 10%, transparent 12%),
                      linear-gradient(top, hsla(0,0%,0%,0) 0%, hsla(0,0%,0%,0) 95%,
                                                   hsla(180,25%,50%,.1) 95%, hsla(180,25%,50%,.1) 100%);
    background-position: 6px 6px, 6px 5px, 50% 18px;
    background-repeat: repeat-y, repeat-y, repeat;
    background-size: 48px 48px, 48px 48px, 24px 24px;
    padding: 48px 24px 24px 84px;

.notepad:after {
    border-left: 1px solid hsla(0,75%,50%,.2);
    border-right: 1px solid hsla(0,75%,50%,.2);
    bottom: 0;
    content: '';
    left: 58px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    width: 2px;

.notepad:before {
    bottom: 8px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    box-shadow: 0 10px 10px hsla(0,0%,0%,.25);
    content: '';
    height: 100px;
    max-width: 300px;
    position: absolute;
    right: 5px;
    width: 300px;
    z-index: -10;
    transform: rotate(2deg);

p {
    color: #333;
    font: 16px/24px serif;
    margin-bottom: 24px;

p:first-child:first-line {
    font-variant: small-caps;

p:first-child:first-letter {
    color: #444;
    float: left;
    font: bold 48px/48px UnifrakturCook, Baskerville, 'Goudy Old Style', Palatino, 'Book Antiqua', serif;
    padding-right: 12px;

ul {
    color: #333;
    font: italic 16px/24px serif;
    line-height: 24px;
    column-count: 2;

For example the results can be seen in this : Result

Gives Rating Star Rating in Popular Post

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Welcome buddy webbl, this time I will give a trick how to add star rating icon in widget Popular Post with Awesome Font.
Surely here my friend already understands the usage and benefits of  widget Popular Post on Blogger. The addition of this star rating effect is inspired by the Popular Post widget on the WordPress platform that serves to display the voting results that visitors give to certain articles.

Well, for is trick to make the Popular Post widget look more interesting please follow these simple steps:

Giving Star Rating Rating in Popular Post with Awesome Fonts

This widget uses the Awesome Fonts, please add the following CSS link above </head>

<link href='//' rel='stylesheet'/>
1. Login to Blogger & gt; Go to Editor Template & gt; Add the code below before ]]></b:skin> or </style>

Style 1
/* Popular Post */
.PopularPosts ul{background:#fff;list-style:none;margin:0;padding:5px 5px 0;overflow:hidden;border-top:none}
.PopularPosts li,.PopularPosts li img,.PopularPosts li a,.PopularPosts li a img{margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;border:none;background:none;outline:none}
.PopularPosts ul{margin:0;list-style:none;color:#64707a}
.PopularPosts ul li img{background:#fafafa;display:block;margin:0 10px 0 0;width:60px;height:60px;overflow:hidden;float:left;}
.PopularPosts ul li{position:relative;background-color:#fff;margin:0;padding:.7em 0!important;border:0;position:relative;border-bottom:1px dotted rgba(0,0,0,0.2)}
.PopularPosts ul li:before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f005';display:inline-block;position:absolute;color:#f39c12;text-align:center;bottom:0;right:0;margin:9px 0;font-size:11px;padding:0;font-weight:normal;line-height:normal;transition:all .3s}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(1):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f005\f005\f005\f005';}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(2):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f006\f005\f005\f005\f005';opacity:.9}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(3):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f006\f006\f005\f005\f005';opacity:.85}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(4):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f006\f006\f006\f005\f005';opacity:.8}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(5):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f006\f006\f006\f006\f005';opacity:.75}
.PopularPosts ul li:hover:before{opacity:1}
.PopularPosts ul li:first-child{border-top:none}
.PopularPosts ul li:last-child{border-bottom:none}
.PopularPosts ul li .item-title a,.PopularPosts ul li a{color:#333;font-size:13px;}
.PopularPosts ul li a:hover{color:#2476e0;}
.PopularPosts .item-thumbnail{margin:0;}
.PopularPosts .item-snippet{display:none}
.PopularPosts .item-title{font-weight:700;padding-bottom:.2em;padding:0 5px}

Some of the CSS styles below can also be tried to be selected which one you find interesting, before that do not forget to subscribe via email and like facebook fanspage Webmaster Development.

Style 2 
/* Popular Post */
.PopularPosts ul{background:#fff;list-style:none;margin:0;padding:5px 5px 0;overflow:hidden;border-top:none}
.PopularPosts li,.PopularPosts li img,.PopularPosts li a,.PopularPosts li a img{margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;border:none;background:none;outline:none}
.PopularPosts ul{margin:0;list-style:none;color:#64707a}
.PopularPosts ul li img{background:#fafafa;display:block;margin:0 10px 0 0;width:60px;height:60px;overflow:hidden;float:left;}
.PopularPosts ul li{position:relative;background-color:#fff;margin:0;padding:.7em 0!important;border:0;position:relative;border-bottom:1px dotted rgba(0,0,0,0.2)}
.PopularPosts ul li:before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f005';display:inline-block;position:absolute;color:#f39c12;text-align:center;bottom:0;right:0;margin:9px 0;font-size:11px;padding:0;font-weight:normal;line-height:normal;transition:all .3s}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(1):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f005\f005\f005\f005';}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(2):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f005\f005\f005\f006';opacity:.9}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(3):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f005\f005\f006\f006';opacity:.85}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(4):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f005\f006\f006\f006';opacity:.8}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(5):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f006\f006\f006\f006';opacity:.75}
.PopularPosts ul li:hover:before{opacity:1}
.PopularPosts ul li:first-child{border-top:none}
.PopularPosts ul li:last-child{border-bottom:none}
.PopularPosts ul li .item-title a,.PopularPosts ul li a{color:#333;font-size:13px;}
.PopularPosts ul li a:hover{color:#2476e0;}
.PopularPosts .item-thumbnail{margin:0;}
.PopularPosts .item-snippet{display:none}
.PopularPosts .item-title{font-weight:700;padding-bottom:.2em;padding:0 5px}

Style 3 
/* Popular Post */
.PopularPosts ul{background:#fff;list-style:none;margin:0;padding:5px 5px 0;overflow:hidden;border-top:none}
.PopularPosts li,.PopularPosts li img,.PopularPosts li a,.PopularPosts li a img{margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;border:none;background:none;outline:none}
.PopularPosts ul{margin:0;list-style:none;color:#64707a}
.PopularPosts ul li img{background:#fafafa;display:block;margin:0 10px 0 0;width:60px;height:60px;overflow:hidden;float:left;}
.PopularPosts ul li{position:relative;background-color:#fff;margin:0;padding:.7em 0!important;border:0;position:relative;border-bottom:1px dotted rgba(0,0,0,0.2)}
.PopularPosts ul li:before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f005';display:inline-block;position:absolute;color:#f39c12;text-align:center;bottom:0;right:0;margin:9px 0;font-size:11px;padding:0;font-weight:normal;line-height:normal;transition:all .3s}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(1):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f005\f005\f005\f005';}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(2):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f005\f005\f005';opacity:.9}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(3):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f005\f005';opacity:.85}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(4):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005\f005';opacity:.8}
.PopularPosts ul li:nth-child(5):before{font-family:fontawesome;content:'\f005';opacity:.75}
.PopularPosts ul li:hover:before{opacity:1}
.PopularPosts ul li:first-child{border-top:none}
.PopularPosts ul li:last-child{border-bottom:none}
.PopularPosts ul li .item-title a,.PopularPosts ul li a{color:#333;font-size:13px;}
.PopularPosts ul li a:hover{color:#2476e0;}
.PopularPosts .item-thumbnail{margin:0;}
.PopularPosts .item-snippet{display:none}
.PopularPosts .item-title{font-weight:700;padding-bottom:.2em;padding:0 5px}

2. Next save the template and see the results.

For the demo can be seen on this site as an example that I have created, good luck to try it ...
visit more tips on this site and design your blog or website to be more interesting.

AMP Friendly Responsive Template Blogger

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This is first Template i will sharing in this site. This template i give name "AMP Friendly" template already supports Responsive, SEO Friendly features and also features that are currently the trend of features AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) for blogger. This template has an interesting look with a simple white background with one-page style, fast loading and responsive.

AMP For Blogger , Template Responsive ,Mobile Friendly , Accelerated Mobile Pages

AMP Friendly Responsive

Some features available in the AMP Friend template :

Features Availability
Responsive True
SEO Friendly True
Mobile Friendly True
High CTR True
Personal Blog True
1 Column True
Light Base Theme Color True
Social Share Button True

SEO Focus That Should Look For All Bloggers

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The year 2017 is the peak year of Blogging and Social Media, in my opinion. Indeed, in 2014 - 2016, since mobile usage has become commonplace, stretching the world of social media is incredible. Subsequently followed by blogging (which in fact is the initial platform of social media) that follow-up merrier. Maybe some new bloggers get information and interested in the world of blogging for the big social media contents like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Well, this year that really will be the peak.

For Bloggers who have been involved before this year and yesterday, must be very confident and see for themselves that SEO, as part of mass traffic networking efforts, is always changing, both in terms of the owner's search engine policy, manifested in its new algorithms , to adjustments and changes to SEO techniques and strategies. For newcomers, it's important to know that SEO is growing, more detailed, more complex, and should be responded with a mature strategy.

You can no longer see obsolete and aging techniques eaten by new algorithms. You can no longer mimic the spam comment tradition that Google Penguin has fought in the long run, in essence, it all has to be adjusted in such a way with the current development. This is important, and this post is dedicated to starting the old technique mindset to a new one.

Back then usual link building begins with a simple analysis of a web page / blog through pagerank toolbar; to see how many pagerank it. But now the pagerank toolbar is dead. If the pages of the site before December 2013 still have pagerank (which can still be seen), it is no longer useful, because it's an old update. The emergence of pagerank value on the toolbar that is currently still loyal to some people's use because the Google datacenter to convey pagerank information is still active and functioning. But it's no use, because it's not an update now, it's stale. So, link building with this method is also outdated, and need new analysis techniques. Not to mention the various new things related to the quality of usability of a website that is now a consideration of Google as well.

Well here's a picture that will be mostly SEO focus in the future.

Table of content:
2. Load Speed
3. Backlink Profile
4. Content Shareable
5. Rich Content

The concept of mobile friendly is actually not foreign anymore, in 2011 this became a big trend. Websites in droves present with their respective mobile versions. At the same time, Responsive Web Design (RWD) has also been developed. Although in that year Google has been pushing websites to support mobile devices, but, by the end of 2014 yesterday, Google decided to deliver its real support via the "Mobile Friendly" label embedded at the bottom of the page titles in SERP listing results in mobile search. The goal is to provide info to mobile device users whether the website in the list can be accessed properly or not.

Then this strategy becomes absolute for SEO now. You can (1) stick with the default mobile templates version of blogger that is enabled & in-settings via dashboard> template. You can either (2) choose to use one template for all versions, aka a responsive template. I personally still choose to use a mobile version template instead of replacing this whole desktop template with a responsive one.

But unfortunately, many blogger responsive templates are not made with caution, so not a bit of a very long loading when accessed via mobile devices. This is one of my considerations. So, if you want to use responsive template, make sure the quality and tested. You can check out these quality responsive Blogger templates.

Eiitss, there is a miss, if my friend already use a responsive template, turn off the mobile version, because it is useless. Maybe this is also what confuses the mobile browser while processing which templates should be displayed. Maybe.

2. Load Speed

The load speed became one of the factors that Google has echoed early last year. As one of the benchmarks of user experience (user experience) in accessing the website, load speed is now increasingly important for SEO. This is why I am somewhat critical with responsive templates that load long enough when accessed via mobile. Sites may look cool and mobile friendly with responsive templates, but do not forget to pay attention to aspects of its access speed. Points that can be done on a template that has been used? There are, for example: image optimization (compression), javascript file compression and CSS, note the script taken from the outside, if the response is too long, move the hosting script to a better or search for similar versions hosted elsewhere. And there are many other ways that can be done.

3. Backlink Profile

Backlinks are benchmarks used by algorithms called PageRank ™. Accompanied by several other algorithms, one of the most popular is Penguin, the quality of backlink profiles is now the focus of SEO efforts. Backlinks can be haphazardly created, with spam here and there, but for now, backlink profiles created in this way will drop SEO blogs.

 Backlink profile is a description of the quality of backlinks owned by a site based on:

  1. from where backlinks come from,
  2. quality,
  3. the amount (quantity),
  4. variations of its keywords,
  5. spread backlinks to the homepage and other pages,
  6. and the percentage of nofollow vs dofollow it.

If (1) backlinks come from high-quality sites, (2) backlinks have variations of various keywords (looks natural), (3) has a balance between nofollow and dofollow, (4) backlinks to the homepage are not too severe in number other pages, then the backlink profile of a website is called authoritative or has high legitimacy.
Conversely, if (1) many backlinks come from spam sites, (2) directory and bookmarks are questionable quality, (3) backlinks of spam results and or obtained by unnatural means, (4) backlinks have variations of keywords with the majority of exactly or almost (5) the number of backlinks to the homepage extraordinary to the thousands whereas to post just one two, and (6) all dofollow backlinks or say about 90% dofollow, the profile backlinks are low or no legitimacy, and prone to threatened drop in rank , even a total penalty or banned.

Therefore, spam strategy is now very dangerous. Although social bookmarking, and directories are still legitimate, but you should be more selective, and even reduce the activity of sharing links on such sites.

Having a nofollow link is natural, and it should be. So dofollow and nofollow backlinks are side by side. What is not fair is that when almost all your backlinks dofollow (say as before, 90% dofollow), then backlink pal is precisely easy diendus as unnatural.

Regarding keyword variations, it is clear that the exact same keywords and insistently as anchor text on most of the backlinks also become one of the reasons blogs eaten penguins.

The best strategy? Can be said I now rarely do link building and prefer to wait to get it (link earning). Getting backlinks is the most natural way, with highly qualified backlinks. What does that mean?

for example, a few days ago I got an email about the previous article. There is a friend asked, "why does the article link to the makers of dofollow template all? Is not danger for blog?" That's it No problem. Dofollow on those links as my appreciation for their outstanding work. I do not know why there is such a mistake. If I link to these sites in the form of dofollow it is legitimate, reasonable. Natural. They may not know, and do not need to know, I link because I want to link to them because emang must refer to it. If I link to legitimate sites, I do not plunge people, given backlinks may be good effect, which love also have a nice effect, because blogs without outbound links are dead blogs. Outbound links will further illuminate Google that both are relevant and relevant. But it must be careful, do not let spam or phishing sites in the link, because dangerous.

4. "Shareable" Content

Although social signals (tweet, like, comment, plus one, share, etc.) are still a heated debate, whether or not SEO is important, it is an important benchmark. "Share-able" content, or that has the ability to be shared and become viral, shows that a content has certain quality features. In addition, share here also means linkback, or backlinks as content becomes a reference from various other websites. It goes back to point 3.

Shared content may not directly affect SEO, but it is an indicator that the blog and its Master have power for very high. Slightly heavier, such content will enhance the brand, whether on the web / blog, business, or individual. Content like this invites many things: back links from other web pages / blogs (getting backlinks from other sites naturally), increasing popularity, and giving authority to your blog and friend.

5. Rich Content

All professional SEO and Blogger campaigners already know (and no secret) that rich content is the key to SEO success. We do not speak to other types of content (images, videos, lyrics, word definitions, etc.), but blog content and other written content, which essentially involves narrative writing. So the content is short, or we think less than 250-300 words can not be referred to as rich content. Although there are, a lot of, short content can win in-SERP, I make sure it will not be long. This is logical. Ideally, rich content definitely involves writing a few words. The richer, the more words needed to be written. In essence, the more insight you have to unpack and deliver, the longer the content. And this is the most important: the more rich the variations of words and keywords.

I did not mention that content should be up to tens of thousands of words, no. If so make a book only. What I mean is if it should be said, say. Do not get stuck on the "he said" post that only 250 words can win in SERP, post just a few sentences can get a page one, and so on. It depends on the context. If my friend just want to write about download software, strange if writing up to 2000 words. In contrast to this, it may take more than the number of words (and richer): make a tutorial about using the software, based on experience and knowledge, complete with its tips. And blog content is usually identical to this one, and this one is also usually much more valuable. And once again, content like this is much more share-able ... Then share-able content will be easier to get what? True, natural backlink ...

Use and Optimize Anchor Text For Visitors & SEO

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What is Anchor Text?
Anchor text is a text that contains links to a web page / blog other, both internal and external.

In link building, we recognize the existence of internal linking and external linking. For SEO, link building is one of the foundations in creating the optimization of the ranking of a web page / blog on search engines. Of course, anchor text has an important role behind the link building business.

In writing HTML links, anchor text is written between the opening and closing link tags:
<a href="destination-url-page"> Anchor Text <a/>
<a href=""> Business Blogging <a/>
On the blog / web page, the link looks like this:
Business Blogging
Anchor text specifies the description of the url that you want to target.

Anchor text is compiled with the appropriate keyword / phrase will be very calculated and useful, both for visitors and search engines. Therefore, the preparation of anchor text should really be considered and become an important focus when creating a blog / web page.

Describe Visitors about Destination Page Through Anchor Text
Often we see the use of anchor text like 'click here', 'here', 'click here', and the like to redirect visitors to the referenced page. Just fine. But the problem is, 'click here' for what? It may be before and after that there is a brief description of it, but rarely visitors who notice it. Use the anchor text that matches the destination page. Of course, you also do not want it if your pages are optimized in search engines with keyword "Click Here". Unless the anchor text is really needed. Also avoid anchor text in the form of url (same with url link it), in the form of page number, and so on.

Create Internal Links And External Links Clear Objectives

Basically, there are two purposes of using links on a blog / web page:
  • For additional information for visitors.
  • As the visitor navigates to easily find other pages.

Do not use links, anchor text, and destination pages that confuse visitors. It is also dangerous for ranking achievements in search engines. Direct the link directly to the page in question or the product page you want to show. Avoid excessive use of links to keywords in a web page / blog post. Give a link to the anchor text that was originally intended to refer visitors to other pages; in accordance with the above two objectives. It also aims to avoid flooding a page with keywords and links (keyword stuffing) that are obviously unlawful in terms of good SEO Criteria.

Make Anchor Text Short and Not Too Long

Anchor text should be descriptive so that visitors know the information about the page to be addressed. Use the anchor text in the keyword / phrase that explains but at the same time has a narrow meaning, so what will be addressed by the visitor is clear and not confusing. This means, an anchor text is not too short (unless it is obvious) and not too long.

For example, there is an anchor text "My mother's fried banana is more delicious than the world's most expensive ice cream". Compare with the use of anchor text "Fried bananas" or "My fried bananas made by my mom." Which is more effective and elegant? Explain other things not on the anchor text, and better yet, explain everything inside the intended page instead of the anchor text The visitor will not be confused if we use the anchor text with the right phrase Search engines can also easily find the keywords in the anchor text that is optimized.Easily, the anchor text is almost the same as the keyword optimization, give a link to the keyword in the form of phrase / the right clause, not too long, let alone a compound sentence.Simply remember the Indonesian lesson may be good. :-)

Create links with Anchor Text that are easy to see and find

Staining and link layout are important factors that determine the number of clicks that lead to the destination page. The reader scans on the sections of prominent web pages, as well as on posts that have prominence, such as bold, italic, headline and of course: LINK. Provide a characteristic that makes visitors know that a line of words is a link is very helpful in optimizing the navigation. Visitors will know that the link is clickable so they can get to the desired page easily. Colorize the visible and prominent display links. If, it is necessary to give a different color to visited links (links that have been visited / clicked) to let visitors know which pages have been seen before. Avoid using links that have the same color as other text, let alone create hidden links (invisible links) that are not useful for visitors and is a SEO trick that is actually dangerous and is now beginning to be fought by Google and other search engines.

How Preferred Link Building Like Google

1 Comment
Backlinks are important points needed by every blog / website in order to compete with other blogs / websites in search engines. That's why link building is always touted & often appears in SEO. There are at least two important reasons behind the link building business that you Bloggers are doing:
  1. You need backlinks because you want the site / blog to get authority in the eyes of search engines, especially Google.
  2. You need backlinks if you want to get the authority in the niche brought or presented, that is when you want people to know you as an expert on the niche.

authority means the ability or power to handle a thing, giving orders, controls, opinions, advice, suggestions, etc. In the context of authorship, authority is related to authorship, which means the ability or power of someone who is considered in charge of the niche and the papers that he wrestled. Whereas in the context of search engines, the authority of course is the ability of a blog / web page to be assessed as important by search engines. So, the authority here has a multilevel meaning that can be applied to show the power of the website / blog and the author.

However, there are things that must be underlined in the context of the importance of link building here. A fact that can no longer be denied, namely that thousands of links that are planted can not necessarily be called & become backlinks, let alone quality backlinks. Many neglect one important concept which is the backbone of link building: QUALITY.

It can not be denied again that many bloggers think that thousands of backlinks built in a haphazard & instant way can make search engines glance. In fact there is also a reply to dibel-belain pay to get thousands of links, which is actually not known exactly where the link was placed & on what kind of sites. In fact, the facts are: have thousands of backlinks from low-quality sites, irrelevant, links placed in the footer, link exchange (link exchange), sites that sell links, links spam, and all kinds of it nothing compared to 10 quality backlinks. Yes, enough 10 quality backlinks alone will change the authority of the blog / web. let alone 10, one quality backlink alone can increase pagerank.

Okay, now I am talking about quality backlinks. So surely the question arises, what is a quality backlink?

What Does Google Rate As A Qualified Backlink?
Here's an outline:

Google considers a link as a quality link if it is derived or referenced from content / content of web pages / blogs that have a high degree of relevance.
Google places great emphasis on the relevance or relevance of the content. That's why Google Panda then slapped out all the web / blog that only win in keyword but poor relevance.

For example, let's say you search for content through Google with the keyword "Fruit Wine", then put also two content appear in the first and second order in the search result page:
  1. The first content mentions the types, tastes, origin, prices, and benefits of grapes.
  2. The second content is the writing of a blogger on a personal blog that mentions about the fondness of eating grapes as a hobby that can not be abandoned because it makes him remember his girlfriend. bla..bla..bla .. (well,assume so, for example it is, hehe ...).

Which of the two content above is more useful for you? If, you then click on the second content and see the contents are not related to the desired, then it is likely to press the "back" button or close the window of the content page. Well, created the so-called "Bounce Rate", the level of inertia, where the higher the value or percentage, the smaller the value or value of importance. The real example, this case often occurs when we enter and stuck on the site / blog AGC or doorway page which contains only keywords without content. We will immediately press the back or close button. And this is also a consideration of Google in determining the ranking and value. User experience is now Google's reference in judging.

This is at least a description of relevance.

Then How to Link Quality Link Building?
Call me write a blog post about link building tips. Then on another occasion, you are invited to guest blogger in another SEO blog then write about dofollow & nofollow links. Inside the post then you create a link that leads to your blog post with keyword "link building tips". This is what can then be called a very high quality backlinks, apart from some other contexts about the condition of blogs that will be discussed later.
If the guest post is published in a health-themed blog, and in the link to the same post, it's still a link, but not a quality link. It could be, if creative, the link can be surrounded with some words related to the link, then there is a possibility the link is considered qualified. But of course this can damage the content of the article itself because there are confusions and can confuse the reader. Given the user experience is now affecting the algorithm in determining the ranking, of course this is not good.

The first conclusion: niche conditions, themes, context surrounding the link influence in determining the quality or not a link. The higher the relevance, the more quality a backlink.

The second condition that affects the quality of links and blog / web is the quality of the page redirect the link and where the link is directed. If a blog / web has too many outbound links, has too many themes or niche and is unclear, and redirects links to low quality pages or even gets Google penalized, this can degrade the quality of the blog / website along with links -link.

So, if you are building links on a blog / web, it's good to see some of the following:
  1. Note whether the blog / web has a high quality content & have the value of authority and also a high orginalitas also.
  2. See if the blog / website has too many outbound links irrelevant, such as an exchange link either automatic or manual yg number too much to beat the links from blog / web itself.
  3. See if the blog / web has ad space with the number of ads too much. Moreover, if many of these ads are referral links. Ads that are too numerous to beat the interest of the content (damaging the focus on the content) may affect the quality.
  4. See if the site is a site link farm or content farm (plantation links and content, hehe ... not .. that means sites that only contain links but there is no content or sites that are a collection of articles only but not clear what direction the goal, for example AGC, autoblog, etc.). Such blogs are usually involved in link wheel schemes, incoming and outgoing links only for referral purposes, etc.
  5. More about quality content can be listened in Quality Content Criteria According to Google.

Link Building Natural
Google also spies the level of link building speed of a blog / web. Link building needs to be done in the natural way possible for Google to see it as a process that is not artificial (artificial) or unnatural. How is link building unnatural or unnatural? Simple. Link building is too aggressive.

Put you using an automated service or software that can create thousands of backlinks in a short time, for example in a week. So within a week you already have thousands of backlinks. Then the next week you do not get the means to get automatic backlinks again. So no backlinks that week. The next week, after googling, obtained software with so much price to create backlinks with the number of thousands. Then the next month, link building stopped again. And so on, and so on. This is just an example, of course without any tool you can create backlinks so, at least hundreds, by way of spamming. If the pattern is so, Google can then read the pattern and most likely the process is considered unnatural. Moreover, if the web / blog just created, for example in a month, but already has thousands of backlinks, this is more natural! So make sure the number of backlinks that made it natural may match the ability of a human in making it.

Then how to build and form links that are considered natural?
Actually very simple. For example:
  1. Through dofollow blog, we can get backlinks through comments, of course with reasonable limits as well. That is by contributing a weighty comment, not origin jeplak, and not nyepam.
  2. Guest post. Become a guest blogger who wrote articles for other blogs. In addition to providing quality backlinks, can also increase the author's authority.
  3. Participate in forums and leave referral links appropriate to the conversation & niche.
  4. Original articles (own writing) and typical tend to get the spotlight and become a reference. Many Bloggers who then refer other blog link articles as a reference. If the blog article is copied, make sure there is a backlink installed correctly, other than as a form of respect from other Bloggers who take the article in accordance with the ethics, providing a backlink is also a plus. This means that bloggers who take articles and bloggers whose articles are taken have a mutual relationship.
  5. Do the pattern of link building with reasonable-fair and not lame. If you work alone for a blog, creating hundreds of links in a week actually already exceeds a reasonable limit. Pay attention to quality, not quantity. The lame pattern relates to the example already mentioned above. Do link building with the same routine, so the addition of backlinks read by Google does not indicate any pattern that is engineered.

The point is, do not just build links but build quality links. That is, there are some important requirements which I can then summarize here: Original, quality, & related content / contents when links are to be built or planted; blog / web quality (with reference to some of the things mentioned above); and a natural link building business. If done in such a way, undoubtedly not only the authority of blog / web only high in the eyes of search engines, but also your authority as Bloggers, writers, & experts in a particular niche in the eyes of people.

Have a nice Blogging, guys!

Enjoy New Features of Blogger Custom Permalink (URL Editor)

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Before the presence of this blogger permalink edit feature, I must outsmart the words in the post title so that the words inside the permalink are not interrupted and do not lose meaning. I have to write important words first, for visitors and to optimize keywords in permalink. The trick is to write down important words in the title box, publish, then edit the title again. Of course this is inefficient and less satisfactory.

Well, now features custom permalink already present in Blogger. We no longer need to back and forth edit post titles. All it takes is to write the permalink name through the "Permalink" feature in Blogger's post editor. Enterprises to optimize keywords for SEO in the permalink url can be more leverage. Improving SEO blog so much easier.

Steps using Custom Permalink Blogger feature :
1. Access directly via Blogger Dashboard. Blogger Draft is retired and now all test and official features can be accessed directly via Dashboard.
2. Open the post editor (new post, new post), like when you want to write a new post.
3. Notice on "post settings" in the right sidebar, there are some features to customize posts, see "Permalink", click.
4. There will be two options, "automatic URL", and "custom URL". The first is the default, the url adjusts the title. The chances are very big. To customize the permaling, select the second option.

5. After selecting the option "custom URL", type the name of permalink posting as you wish. There is one important thing to note: Do not have spaces. Give a hypen / strip (-) between each word, according to the Blogger permalink type.
example: webmasterseo3-blogspot-custom-permalink
6. Click Done. You can continue making posts or direct "publish"

Review and Features Blogger Custom Permalink
There are a few things I see from this feature, both the advantages and disadvantages:
1. The number of characters in the permalink, after I check, can reach around 45-80 characters (maybe a little more), adjusted to the length of the whole url character. That is, the limit on the number of characters depending on the length of the blog name. The longer the blog name, the less number of characters that can be created in a custom permalink.
2. There is one weakness that is significant enough that in my opinion there is no major change with the existence of this feature. Custom permalink can only be created before a post is published. That is, after a post is published then the permalink can not be edited again. Unlike WordPress where users can edit permalink on any post type (draft or published posts). You must delete the old post, if you want to create a new url version.
3. This custom permalink applies only to filenames. If yesterday anyone asked about changing the permalink structure, then the feature was not (or at least not) existed. The point is, the questioner wants to make url permalink clean, no-frills folders as per the month of the year (Example: 2012/07). This feature is called rewrite url, and both are very different features. This feature involves htaccess, and Blogger does not allow / provide access to it (cPanel). Blogger also does not allow the use of plugins / addon.

Yup, that's it. Although there are many shortcomings, I think this feature is quite helpful in the effort of preparing keywords in permalink without having to edit the post title. Hope this post useful, have a nice blogging, then.. :)

Avoid 9 Things In Commenting on Blogs

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One way to reach backlinks, or links that are linkback from a web page / blog to another web page / blog is to comment and leave a link with certain keywords. But sometimes this is so damaging the essence & function of the blog comment feature and it becomes a spam field that is not expected by the blog owner. Of course this is very detrimental. Lately I also often find the number of spam on this blog who is completely far from the context of the conversation in the post and does not provide any value. The purpose of commenting is to deliver appropriate responses as well as to discuss and find solutions. This is the background of the blog comment feature.

Seeing this, I want to share and submit a comment policy on the Blog This comment policy was made because I found many comments made so haphazard that it was obviously intended to be spam or visible (for search engines and the human eye) as spam. Of course such comments are very harmful because it has a huge impact on SEO and traffic. Certainly, Blogger buddies do not want to experience it anymore, do they?

Spam? Does nofollow blog know spam? Is not the link in the comment section has been planted rule rel = nofollow? There is a rapidly growing paradigm that only dofollow links give backlinks. So many who flocked to dofollow blogs. The reality is not so. Google still pays attention to some links though it is nofollow. This is evident when I check on "links to your site" in Google Webmaster Tools, there are many linkbacks from nofollow blogs or websites. This is true and many bloggers know it. Google will also mark link juice on blog pages and nofollow blogs if too many links are unrelated (spam) and too many (excessive links). The spammers apparently know this because it looks they not only flocked to comment on dofollow blogs, but all blogs although some are nofollow.

Things to Avoid / Not Done in Commenting on Blogs

1. Do not leave the link in the comment (comment post body)
The links in the comments are very annoying and spammny because it is very impressive imposed and has no relevance to the post.

2. Fill comments that are not related to the article / post
Qualified comments are comments that are intended as a response / question of the contents of the post. A totally non-purposed comment will undermine the content of the post and will reduce your chances of being able to communicate directly with the author and establish a good relationship. If there is nothing to say, avoid commenting. The contents of the comments impressed impressed because just want to leave the link just to your own disadvantage because it will not be considered either by the blog author or by search engines. Examples of comments that are not or less quality: "Thanks, gan!", "Pertamax!", "Thanks for the info" (though the actual article not only contains info, but the tips made in depth or widgets that actually have been created and modified in such a way ), and many more. The contents of the comments show the quality of blogs and bloggers as well as a means of promotion of powerful blogs and bloggers. But on the contrary, at the same time can be a valuation tool that can harm you.

3. The name of the commentator is too long and spammy
The commentator's name is the anchor text of the commentator link. It is indeed very useful to provide quality linking effects. But the name is too long, usually contains phrases yg pipe-fold the number of words or even in the form of a sentence is spam. Anchor text is commonly used to optimize deep links, or other pages that are not the main page, such as posts or categories. Did you know that leaving deep links in the comments will not have a big effect? If you have to optimize the posting page, better do it through social bookmarking or try there are other bloggers who load it on the posting page. The effect will be much larger and your link will not be considered spam. Appropriately the name is your identity or related to you.

4. Too many leave comments with the name / anchor text of a kind and excessive
Spammers often look for luck to ensure getting linkback from a blog. Leaving one link alone as a commentator is speculation, because it does not necessarily generate a linkback. So usually he will comment heavily in many posts in a blog. Avoid doing so if you do not want to be considered a true spammer.

5. Using Caps Lock or Capitalization (Capitalization in comments)

6. Using emphasis with bold and italic
The use of bold and italic in post comments is very clear to emphasize things related to optimized anchor text. This, however, indicates the increasingly apparent unreliability of comments and post content.

7. Comment, name of commentator, and links that are or related to SARA & P*rn*gr*phy
It is clear what is meant that many blogs and also this blog avoids and forbids things related to these two things. Although not directly related, but things like "girls smp", "college girls" and so on can be categorized and related to p*rn*gr*phy.

8. Fill the same comment and repeated.
One of the most lazy ways for spammers is to use the repetition of words or phrases in each comment. Certainly spammers just do a copy and paste the contents of comments that have been prepared before, or use auto fill in comment, or use blog commenting service with certain tools or plugins.

9. Use the commenting feature to Promote
Comments are a means of promotion for bloggers and blogs because the content of the comments is a mirror of both. However, if the promotion is related to certain products such as affiliates, commercial products, and everything unrelated to posts is something to avoid. Use a social bookmark or blog-web directory that legalizes such content.

Comments with characteristics like the above with forced, no purpose or other tendencies, I must remove from this blog because previously had gotten warning from search engines especially Google. In relation to ethical commenting, of course there is a lot of subjective content from me so of course not all blogs have the same comment policy. This post is also a means to share ideas about ethics commented to generate good for blogs and blog commentators.


Why Spam Comments Are Dangerous and What is the Solution?

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Maybe this also happens to all buddies, you read a blog article or video on the internet, then met with garbage and irrelevant comments. You might think, what is this anyway? What comes to mind, like it or not? Some webmasters and bloggers abuse the comment feature by exploring and embedding keywords and millions of links to improve their organic rankings. What are the facts?

In fact, spam comments are severe!
Spam comments can be interpreted as well as manifested in many forms and ways. If discussed it is not enough of this one page talk. However, when discussed in general, spam comments mean unexpected, unrelated comments, and are not intended to respond to or discuss a conversation within articles / blog posts. The goal is simply to leave the "trail", promote without proper means, and lastly, to leave spam links (for SEO, he says). Spam in general has almost the same goal, but through many media such as email, facebook message, status, apps, tweets (usually using the popular via @ profile), SMS, and more. The main goal is to reach customers profitably and there (the worst) to harm others (phishing, malware, viruses, scams, etc.).

So, in essence, everything in the form of messages sent unauthorized and or unexpectedly referred to as SPAM.

In WordPress WordPress blog, I can easily do anything because the settings / settings and the use of plugins is an easy matter. But on Blogger, it's very difficult. For example, when we categorize a comment as spam, then the next comment from the same source is not directly identified. I have to do over and over again until the Blogger spam filter system "realizes" it. Instead, non-spam comments are actually put in spam automatically!

However, it does not dampen my intention to combat spam on this blog. Spending hours every day deleting spam every day in my opinion is much better than "maintaining" spam comments. What is the reason? Spam comments not only make your site decrease in quality, but also the reader's trust.

I never get comments from buddy Blogger about spam comments are not deleted and questioned my carefulness and seriousness in administering the blog. As a reader, he feels uncomfortable having to look at spam comments where he should have learned the comments as he continues to read the article above. I also got a lot of emails from Buddy Bloggers who well conveyed a spam comment on my blog post page. This happens when I rarely update my blog because of the high volume of offline work. This also proves that the readers did not want spam comments.

As a personal experience, I also proved that spam comments are (sorry) "disgusting". As an internet surfer, I often travel to other blogs. When I finished reading, I used to scroll down to see the comments and see if there was an interesting follow-up discussion. Unfortunately, in some blog articles, I often encounter a lot of spam, and usually if it's already a lot, I discouraged to comment.

Instantly, I am increasingly unconvinced by the identity of the product and the site links that are carried in the spam comments. It may be that the product is innocent, but because of the number of "product names" that appear in various spam comments, my level of trust is declining. Apparently the spammers do not realize, that in that way, not only he whose reputation declined, but also the product he promoted, even though he was just a reseller or promoter. This is rarely discussed in the world of internet marketing, although a lot of case study done and the results so. Well, of course this also applies to those of you who carry the name of the blog.

(I hope you have not been bored, because we will get into the important part ... hehe)

If it is breakdown, at least, there are 3 major points of comment spam effect:

1. Comment spam damages reputation.
Imagine a visitor coming and reading your post page, as I did above. The visitor then looks at the spam comments below. He will think long to leave comments, because his comments "only" will be judged "small" among the spam comments. Belief in you also decreased due to blog management factors and authority. Similarly for spammers. People's belief in it also decreases. The more spam it creates, the more it goes down its reputation, because it's becoming known as a spammer. The danger, if it turns out the spammers carry other products or websites (eg as spam backlink services), products and websites that should not be at fault affected.

2. Spam comments degrade SEO rankings

You obviously know and see that Google is lowering the ranking of sites that direct links to low quality sites, as well as low-quality sites themselves.

"In an article published in 2009 past, Google talked about the facts of spam comments:
a. Misusing the comments feature on a site that should be innocent is a bad and risky way. If that is the case, then you have tarnished someone's hard work and degraded the quality of the web, turning a quality information source into a bunch of unreasonable keywords.

This relates to the content of comments that are completely irrelevant to the content of articles / posts. This means that the comment is not intended to discuss or respond to content, but merely to promote, leave traces, and other bad goals. Irrelevant comments make consistency and relevance of content in a page down. The more spam, the declining the relevance. The effect is clear to the rankings.

b. Spammers often use the commenting feature to build a site link (which doubts its quality) in order to improve rankings. Google has a grasp of web link graphics, and has an algorithm for detecting and handling spam links (now also supported Penguin). Spammers can spend hours and hours until a day to leave a trail of links in various blog articles. Actually this is futile, because the effect is very small or even none because Google is very keen not to give weight value on these links. Instead of spending such wasted time and energy, it is better to use it to create content products that benefit the internet community.

Noteworthy is on sites containing spam links. Although the site is innocent, it does not even know, but its visibility and ranking can drop dramatically because of those links. So if your website receives these links, and the numbers are mounting, your ranking or rank is threatened. Hundreds of links, though nofollow, will still be dangerous as this indicates the morbidity of a web page. Giving referrals to hundreds of external and irrelevant links is not a good thing and fair, both in the eyes of humans and search engines. Especially if you dofollow web comment, can you imagine yourself the effect ...

3. Spam comment hurts the Blogosphere world
In my opinion, a blogger is not only responsible for his own blog but also the entire blogosphere. If a blog allows spam comments and lets it happen, then it means he gives the spammers an understanding that they can do whatever they like on other blogs. If a blogger has a habit of spamming, then he gives a signal to the internet world that all bloggers are also doing the same thing, as well as giving a permissive negative example that spamming comments is a natural thing. It all started from one, then mushroomed into a fairness. This certainly really hurt the blogosphere where bloggers should be able to meet, discuss, share ideas, and socialize comfortably.

I can imagine how many blogs die every day is still routinely bombarded by spam. In fact there are many blogs that are dead because of spam!

Solutions Facing Spam Comments

As a personal policy, I am now moderating comments before they can be published as well as changing the commentator feature to avoid anonymity. Previously I did not do moderation, but because now many spammers also have a Google profile or Blogger, and spam is still mushrooming, then forced moderation is taken as a solution. This is very effective, I can filter, even answer important comments with much more orderly and good because all the comments read.

As a suggestion, here are some points you can do to avoid spam comments and their effects:
1. Do not allow anonymous comments. A person who really intends to comment is certainly not hiding.
2. Use a captcha or similar tool to avoid automated comments (robots). This is most common in CMS blogs like WordPress.
3. Use an antispam plugin or module (akismet, WP AntiSpam, whatever you think is effective) if you're using a CMS platform like WordPress.
4. Use rel = "nofollow" on the comment. On some blogs like WordPress, Blogger, Joomla, etc. this attribute already exists by default.
5. Enable comment moderation. This is the way that I think is most effective.
6. Remove immediately if spam comments are found.

How to Identify Spam Comments

Modes such as moderation will not be effective if you can not look at the comments in depth. It could be a spam comment will pass because it seems natural. Here are the obvious or vague features:
1. Comments contain links. Never tolerate a comment containing any good links. Because the comments contain the links already clearly have their own goals even though the commentator looks sincere.
2. The name of the commentator (anchor text) is too generic, or use general keywords. Usually dominated by the names of drugs, gambling, housing, etc. or generic keywords consisting of long words, such as keyword-keyword SEO contest. There is no purpose other than "worshiping Google".
3. The comment is quite short and as if praising, on it name commentator with keyword is not relevant at all. Usually like this, "Nice site!", "Nice blog", "Cool", "Thanks", etc. I find such comments too far-fetched.
4. Long comments but too general. Often encountered in English or translate from Indonesia and vice versa. As if praising, sometimes even criticizing. Example: "You are a luck for me to drop by! Keep up the good work! Only, your site is too slow, but it's okay, I'll come here often." This is a generic sentence, usually done by robots, or used by manual spammers many times in various comments (copy paste). Of course varies. There are automated backlink services that provide comment content templates, in PHP, JS, etc.
5. Often there are comments that insert links in relevant comments. Usually done manually. Example "Good blog tutorial, So to know how to create permalink." There is no purpose other than searching for relevance and directing backlinks to adore the "god of SEO".
6. Comment away from the topic without any hesitation. Example: "There is good news ABC online business that is proven to pay, do not miss this opportunity .. Just visit LINK!".
7. Comment and or name of commentator contains referral link affiliate. It is clear, there is no tolerance at all!

There are still many different case examples, but similar identification.

Comments can be a good source of information and a tool to discuss with visitors, readers, or fellow bloggers. Relevant and useful content such as these should not be filled with keywords and junk links. Therefore, as a discourse and suggestion, you should review the blog comment feature for the good of web / blog, visitor, web / blog, and internet world in general. Delivering and sharing comments in an ethical way is something beautiful ...
How to make Blog Interesting and Cool (Beautify Website Views)

How to make Blog Interesting and Cool (Beautify Website Views)

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For the masters, maybe How to create Blog Interesting, Cool (Beautify Website Views) is not a difficult thing to do because they have understood well the technique, but for beginners alias newbie about blogger would need enlightenment about this. And since we have completed the full review of the tutorial how to create a blog before, so please refer to there for those who do not understand. But if it is then focus read all the suggestions and secrets that will be described below. Please note that in these tips there are only 3 parts that must be completed, namely domain, theme, and plugin or widget

Interesting and cool can have many meanings, but what the authors capture from the results of light research in google search engine, it turns out that the desired from many beginners is good looks with the way to beautify the template to be pleasing to the eye, ranging from color, layout, widgets and all the settings in it. And since all the things about the way my blog has been done all the way before, approximately 3 years, so there is nothing difficult to explain this, especially if the intention to share to all friends.

There are many parts to do to produce a blog that looks attractive and pretty like most bloggers belong to. And here are the important points you should look at:

to make blog more interesting

1. Domain

This section may be according to many people do not need to be noticed, but the blog will see professional if the domain (link address) is also good. Well at this early stage is recommended to change your blogspot domain (eg: to .com (dot com), like and others. Why is that? Because by looking at the blog address alone people can already know that it is made seriously so that the contents of the article is also the least weighted and can be used as a reference, this usually can be decided by the first time visitors see it in the search engine, whether it will be clicked to visit or not, well this is where the benefits that already have a blog. But actually not just up there the benefits of blogs with paid domain, there are much more.

a. Changed the address
Many who do not know if it turns out blogspot free it can be changed to. Com with the location of the server that does not change, which is still placed in blogspot, only the domain has been changed. The trick is simply to visit the site that provides the purchase for the domain, one of which is, please open the website and type in the domain name you want, if for example already owned people then you can search alternative by changing the extension, such as .net, .info, .org, or something else. If you have, directly order it by following the steps as listed, but if you do not know ask for help with the operator Chating directly. If you have, live you ask directly to admin Homeweb to help direct to blogspot, usually they will ask for login password of blog and your domain, easy right?

b. Try seo friendly and easy to remember
Choosing an SEO Friendly domain here means that contains keywords, for example, you create a blog about the guide for email, then try when buying domains choose a minimum of existing words Email even though not all the targeted keywords included, eg and besides. As if we want more perfect then we look for a better name at least two words and words familiar, for example there is a domain provider for the website then he chose to address, it's beside SEO is also cool because there is a word Nesia behind him which is a snippet of words from Indonesia which is a sign that the provision of indigenous people.

Regarding the selection of interesting domains, as the name of Caraspot we found, you should read the tips and use the tools to find a cool domain (please read).

2. Templates

This is actually an important point if we want to beautify the look of a blog to look attractive and cool, because of this section we do the editing of its widget layout, set the distance location, to change the background color, images and so forth. But since this is a long discussion, we speak one by one below:

Make the website look cool

1. Changing the Template to be Professional

To be able to have a template / skin or blog look interesting and looks good like a professional blogger then we have to revolutionize all, but this does not mean we have to change one by one code script because if not programmer is definitely not going to be able to do it. The solution is to replace the default template with a new one, here's how:

a. For Blogspot
Visit the site
Choose a template that looks good, and because now the more rampant use of smartphone to access the internet it is advisable to choose a type of template size can adjust all gadgets and devices, in this case also called Responsive Templates. Incidentally in the year 2015-2016 is Google has just launched a new algorithm named Mobilegeddon which with it searches from internet users will be tailored to the device they use, for example, the visitor is using gadgets when doing Browsing then google will automatically prioritize a responsive blog from on that is not because generally the blog so difficult for the reader when opened.

Check out the demo - it's important to see the real look online, not just with pictures and screenshots, and only then can it be decided whether to use it or not.

Download - For this stage, it's easy to do, just search for 'Download' under the template's display in and it will automatically pop up a small page asking you to save it on your computer.
Upload - Once stored on your computer, it's time to use the template by replacing the old one.
Furthermore, if you've replaced with a custom look then stay arranged for the better in the eyes of search engines, especially Google. This is because if a blog is considered good then he will be ranked well, at least, even if not ranking 1, but can enter the first page, well following the full review: How to Set Templates for SEO Friendly and Easy Ranking in Google

b. For WordPress
Actually there are many places to take Theme for WordPress free alias without pay at all, it's just that there are some shortcomings if we only use the free course, especially we do not have the right place to ask if for example an error or there are settings that we do not know how this is because the paid Theme is always provided Documentation file from which we can learn all the way settings. In addition, we also have the opportunity to ask directly via email on the maker of his theme. And some paid Theme providers for how to create interesting blogs as we discussed on this occasion are: - It has always been known as a provider of various virtual needs including Theme. The author himself had bought a theme there which is generally each theme each made by different developers, but in terms of after-sales service is all good because it is a condition if they become the seller of the theme there. - This is also a provider from abroad, it's just the difference with the above is which is managed by a business where all the themes are made by one developer only, of course, the service is also much better. and

2. Using Widgets
You may use widgets like clocks, flash images and so on, but for SEO purposes should not be used, better use widgets that are good for mensin seekers only, such as for Popular and Newest Articles, Google Plus Profiles and Likenya, Fanpage Facebook or Twitter. In addition to the mentioned should be avoided just because it will slow down loading blog. And to get all the widgets are already available in your blogspot. The trick, select the menu "Layout" and then the blue "Add Widgets" you click and then just select the type of blog widget which will be used.

For WordPress users we recommend using the usual and most importantly used, such as Share Button in each article and for this it is advisable to use a simple course such as AddToAny and AddThis. In addition, if you want to make blog more interesting then it is recommended to use Plugins like:

*Note: To find the plugin below then on the blog dashboard go in the Plugins menu >> Add New >> type in Search keyword below.

  1. FeedBurner Form - This plugin for interest many loyal readers by the way they input the email address.
  2. Protect WP-Admin - Point to disguise the login address of the blog so it is more secure.
  3. WP Social Popup and Get Traffic - As a popup page to get people to like your social media.
  4. WP Super Cache - Point to speed up loading blog by recording cache from previous visitor.
  5. WordPress SEO by Yoast - To organize meta tags and other SEO techniques. This is very important.
  6. No Follow All External Links - To make all outbound links so no-follow.
3. Organize Colors and template styles
Lastly for how to beautify the blog and make it so interesting, ranging from the background, sidebar, images, and all the colors that exist in the template then simply read: Cara Otak Atik Blog (change the color of blog, font code, images, spaces etc) with Inspect Element. In the tutorial you will learn how to find specific code in the WordPress theme as well as on the template for blogger users to further change the size and type. In essence here a blog owner will be assisted to find a place of code that will be changed, called "Inspect Element", which is to inspect the elements of the arrangement of a blog with which we can make some changes as desired.

4. Write SEO Friendly Articles
Although all the above techniques have been done but the articles or items on each product of your online store is not made SEO Friendly then it can be spelled out in vain. SEO itself is a continuation of Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Optimization where the purpose is to make the blog easily indexed by search engines, and for this please read: Tips SEO articles are easily ranked 1 in Google. Once you have a good understanding of this technique then it is certain that all the techniques to build a cool blog you have done. And if this is done consistently then web visitor traffic will also continue to rise from day to day.

Hopefully the article how to create a blog interesting and cool or precisely beautify the look of this website could be your reliable referrals. Please inquire if there is anything less understood, we are happy to help. The author also provides training to manage blogs for beginners, both on Blogspot and using the WordPress platform.